Projectors vs Printed Materials for Trade Shows

July 12, 2021

When it comes to trade shows, every company wants to have an eye-catching booth that will attract visitors and leave a lasting impression. One of the most important decisions companies need to make regarding their trade show booths is whether to use projectors or printed materials. In this blog post, we will provide an unbiased comparison of the two options and give you the numbers and facts to help you decide which option is best for your company.


Projectors have become increasingly popular in trade shows due to their ability to create dynamic and engaging presentations. Projectors allow companies to display high-quality images and videos, making their booth stand out from the rest.

Pros of Projectors

  • Visual Appeal: Projectors enable the display of larger and sharper images than printed materials can.
  • Cost-effective: Projectors might end up being cheaper to use than printing multiple materials with expensive graphic designs. All you need is a projector and a screen.
  • Customizable: Projector images can be changed quickly between sessions to fit the competitor's market and present the most recent data.

Cons of Projectors

  • Lighting: Poor lighting can affect the image display and the audience's ability to see the message.
  • Dependence on visibility: Any technical issue with the projector could lead to a loss of images and video display.
  • Noise: Projectors can be noisy and can be a distraction to the audience.

Printed Materials

Printed materials, such as brochures, flyers, and banners, have been the go-to option for trade show booths for years. They are reliable, can be distributed easily, and are a tried-and-tested way to get the audience's attention.

Pros of Printed Materials

  • Independency: Printed materials can do their purpose with or without electricity, light or Wi-Fi connection. As long as they are printed, they can serve their use anywhere, anytime.
  • Long-Term Reuse: Printed materials can be used beyond the company trade show event, meaning that people who acquired it can keep it as a future reference.
  • Real Personalization: Print materials can show the quality you want to associate with your brand. Unique print designs and papers can make a difference in how people approach your booth.

Cons of Printed Materials

  • Cost and Waste: Printing high-quality marketing materials, like brochures and roll-ups, can be expensive, and unused materials can be thrown away at the end of the event, leading to waste.
  • Limited Design Flexibility: Printed materials designing should be finalized weeks before they arrive, making it challenging to include updated data and graphics.
  • Size Limitation: Only limited information can fit on printed materials like brochures and flyers; this limits the amount of information a company can provide to the audience.


Both projectors and printed materials have their pros and cons, but it ultimately comes down to your company's needs and budget. If you want to create an attention-grabbing booth with the flexibility of changing things up, projectors can be a better choice. However, if you want to aim for high-quality personalization, independence, and long-term reuse, printed materials are a good option.

We hope this comparison has helped you in deciding what option to choose for your next trade show booth! Remember that whichever option you choose, both projectors and printed materials are still part of your toolkit, and there could always be a possibility to use them both.


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